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Jessica Katwyk

Michael Ori


Lead Sales

I am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life
— Elsie de Wolfe

Jessica Katwyk was born into the tile and stone industry, with Rod Katwyk as her father, tile came second nature to her. As a young girl, she would accompany her dad onsite and would help be his tile “hand cutter”. She had a fascination with home design and making things around her beautiful. 

Jessica started out as the receptionist at European Marble & Granite and moved her way up by working as a Sales Assistant longside Kathleen Fuhriman whom she’s been working with for the last 9 years. While working at European Marble & Granite, Jessica received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Utah in Human Development & Family Studies. 

In her free time, Jessica enjoys spending time with her beloved cat Oliver, traveling and fishing.