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Edith Sanchez

Michael Ori


Showroom Manager - SLC

The way I see it if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
— Dolly Parton

Edith started with European Marble & Granite in 2016 as the Front Desk Receptionist. She comes from the customer service industry and quickly moved up to the Showroom Assistant position. She is currently our Salt Lake City Showroom Manager. Her personal motto is to always do better than yesterday. 

Edit’s favorite part of her job is hearing the clients say “YES! That’s exactly what I was looking for!”

She believes what sets European Marble & Granite apart as is the dedication that each individual in our company puts into his or her work. It shows they love what they do. Love and passion is put into every job no matter the size. 

Edith said when she became the showroom manager, is when she really developed the passion for her job and the stone and tile industry “There is a difference between assisting in a change and being the change. As the Showroom Manager I am able to influence the changes that I think are positive. I’ve worked from day one to have better teamwork and think we are accomplishing that.”